
Kuva: TBA

Eva Holts: Δia Kinets (UA)

Uppoudu ja kiinnity muistoihini koulusta nro 18, jonka venäläinen ohjus tuhosi Tšernihivissä, Ukrainassa.
Vertaa koulumuistojani omiisi ja katso filmejä, jotka löysin luokkahuoneista.
Voit ottaa yhden filmin ja tehdä sille kaikkea mitä haluat.
Kuva: TBA

Greetings, future participant of the performance “Δia Kinets”

If you join this performance, you will immerse yourself in my memories of my school No. 18.

The school where I once studied, was destroyed by a russian missile. In the city where I was born and raised — Chernihiv, Ukraine.

Instead of the school, there is emptiness and ruins, experiencing their second postmortal life. You will perceive the sounds of the wind as footsteps. And you can compare my memories of school years with your school memories. We will think about how the role of a place and the objects inside change after fire and destruction. I will show you films I found in the classrooms where children once studied. 

Kuva: TBA
Kuva: TBA

You will be able to see the details of the films under a microscope or magnifying glass. You can paint on it, cut out certain elements, glue them — anything you want… And then you can take this film with you or throw it right into the trash on the spot.

(Note: my performance consists of the next parts: video watching, speaking, and collage making).